
Bitcoin Special Edition
of X-SURE™ L1 Crypto Ticker

New Appearance, for Bitcoin Hodler.

For Bitcoin Hodler

Stylish Coating Design

The painting content on the back is from the genesis block, a salute for Satoshi, and this great invention.

More Built-in Themes
You can change through mobile app

We will try to publish more and more watch templates with communities, artists, and designers. Make the digits more varied for you.

Features Overview

X-SURE L1 is a crypto ticker that gets data streaming with a Wi-fi connection. On the 2.4 inch IPS TFT full-color display, users can track the price and other data they care about just at a glance.

Learn more by the pure version product page →
2.4 IPS LCD Screen
CNC Metal Unibody
Set Custom Price Alerts
Smart App Control
Customized Themes & Editions
24H Real-time Refresh
1W Box Speaker
Weight 0.5 kg
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