L1 Real-Time Crypto Ticker
Track The Price Just At a Glance.
Once tracking your digital assets becomes an important thing, you may have to know the timely uptrend or downtrend every moment. X-SURE™ L1 Real-Time Ticker was precisely designed for this purpose, the favorite device for the hoodlers!

Multi-Currency Support Updating Stably
Support almost top-10 cryptocurrencies in the early versions and will be updated to more and more kinds.
Set Custom Price Alerts
Set custom price fluctuation alerts with a beep. You will never miss any chance anymore.
Setting and Upgrading with App
You can use App to configure L1 devices and update the firmware. We will try to keep upgrading the software abilities of the L1 based on users’ feedback.
Co-branding & Special Editions

Nixie Bitcoin Clock
The Limited Collection Nixie Tube Bitcoin Ticker

Next step is always X
Mind will always be Sure.
We aren’t planning to build a skyscraper, but a bridge.

As you see, we start by designing and producing Crypto Tickers. There will be more kinds of gadgets, creatives, and X-things synthesized by X-SURE.
We will insist on creating unique stuff for crypto communities, for Bit-world, stand on Atom-earth. And we hope the bits and atoms will integrate with each other better and better. We hope people could fly in the metaverse, also smell flowers blooming in the sunshine in the future,
Our Products at CES 2022
in Las Vegas at CES 2022
Let's Discuss.
but welcome to join us and explore together.
Special Thanks for
Angel Users
Patrick Slattery
Guangcheng Wei
Karen Varrone
Petteri Jarvinen
Lincoln Prins
Gregory Ohanessian
Eric Miller
Jason Harris
Matthew Shallcrass
Andrey Matveyev
Lamont White Jr
Andreas Haldorsen
Taylor Glaeser
Jared Giles
Josh Sexton
Thurston Crimp
Mark Stone