Hi, X-SURE LAB here!
As you see, X-SURE started with Crypto Ticker, and we got to know each other from this.
X-SURE has been through a memorable and meaningful year, from the project being launched in the middle of last year to the first product shipments early this year. Since then, we have gained more knowledge, the growth of our team, and users from nearly 20 countries or regions. Fortunately, We have got much kind help, guidance, trust, and thoughts from warm-hearted people. For X-SURE, Crypto Ticker seems like a ticket, then we would be honored to come into your world. This is the biggest harvest of this year – Connect with you, and get motivation from you.
Thanks for your trust and support to X-SURE. We sincerely hope that we can establish a long-term connection and more profound friendship with you in our community.
In fact, we always think that the communities spontaneously emerged from common values or views, and perpetuated with more interesting differences. Although the different rivers always run across their own way and experience the different landscapes, they will eventually flow into the sea, and run forward together.
As a hardware-focusing team, we realized that if we shut ourselves up in a room to make the products, we will lose the meaning of creating, the correct direction and miss valuable voices, fall into the strange circle of being too self-centered, and do everything blindly. The first generation product of X-SURE has been launched and sold in the market. Recently, the team discussed the plan for the next generation of software and hardware, and we reached a consensus conclusion: We want to create products with you, because the voice of users is from the real world, which is valuable feedback. Without hearing the voice of users, maybe we tend to get lost.
X-SURE wants to make valuable products. The meaning of “value” is not for X-SURE but for the user, it’s defined by the users, not completely by X-SURE.
So we create a small but special community (channel) on Discord. In the past chat, we can see the bright spark with the value in your words, and that you have been selflessly offering us help and advice. We want to work with you to do things better, listen to your opinions or suggestions, to make our products with a sense of direction. From a perspective of a user and friend, we will be here with you, open to discussing everything about the product, but not only limited to the product. We will ask carefully, listen carefully, and do carefully.
French writer André Maurois said: “True friendship can always foresee the needs of the other, not declare their own needs.” We want to create some interesting products from here and make your favor.
嗨,你好,这里是X-SURE LAB;
如你所见,X-SURE从 Crypto Ticker 开始做起,这也是让我们相识的原因。
从去年中旬的项目启动,到今年年初的首批产品发货,X-SURE 经历了难忘且意义非凡的一年。一路走来,我们收获了更多的知识,收获了团队的成长,收获了近20个国家或地区的用户,收获了很多人的帮助和指导,也收获了信任与思考。对 X-SURE 而言,Crypto Ticker是我们的一张门票,让我们有幸通过这张门票进入你们的世界,而这恰恰是我们这一年多里最大的收获——连接了大家,并从中获得了力量。